If you worked at Belt Collins Hawaii anytime between 1953 to 2019, please join us for our first (and maybe last) Belt Collins Hawaii Reunion! The event will be on Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 5:30pm – 8:30pm at the Entrepreneurs Sandbox in Kakaako.
The price is $30/person and includes pupus and non-alcoholic beverages. Guests are welcome!
Mahalo to Larry Heim/HONBLUE for serving as a sponsor of this event! HONBLUE was a long-time vendor to Belt Collins and provided top-notch services that was instrumental to BCH’s success. Sponsorship funds will go toward the Sandbox room rental fee and other party expenses. Any excess funds left over will be donated to charity after the event.
Click on the image above to download a PDF version of the flyer.
Event Organizers: Mark Tawara (1999-2011) and Jon Young (2002-2011).
Email us with any questions.